several stacked hand weights
Dr. Kelsey Mosier

Dr. Kelsey Mosier


California State University Chico

Bachelor's in Exerise Physiology

South College

Doctorate of Physical Therapy

Kelsey' Specialties
  • TMJ, shoulder, back, hip, knee, and ankle/foot pain
  • Sports Injuries & Return to Sport
  • Strength Training Programming
  • CrossFit and Olympic Lifting
  • Pregnancy, Postpartum, & Women's Health
    • Exercise during pregnancy
    • Diastasis Recti
    • Pelvic Floor Pain
    • Incontinence
    • Birth Prep
    • Postpartum Recovery (vaginal or C-section delivery)


Dr. Kelsey Mosier was born and raised in Paradise, California. She received her Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree from South College and her Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology from CSU Chico. Kelsey is co-founder and CEO of Fortified Physio Inc.

In addition to co-owning and operating Fortified Physio, Kelsey works in clinic to educated and empower her patients. Her treatment approach includes skilled hands-on techniques and functional exercise to individualize a plan of care for each patient, focusing on promoting a healthy lifestyle.

When Kelsey is outside of the clinic you can find her exploring the outdoors, at her local CrossFit gym, or hanging out with her husband and 3 dogs.